Category Archives: celebration

Birthday 2.0

My baby-girl is a baby no more!! As of 11:06 pm last evening, Mirabelle turned two! Its amazing been such an amazing journey thus far. I had so many wonderful and joyous expectations about motherhood and all have been exceeded!

There have been a ton of hurdles and unexpected challenges, but its fun to look back now and laugh at that sleep deprived, inexperienced version of myself and see all we have survived and learned. The newest “accomplishment” is that Mirabelle is, for the most part, sleeping through the night. This has only been happening for about a week now so I am still holding my breath on this one. For the last two years I would refer to her as my “broken sleeper” and I swore she would never sleep soundly as long as she lived!! Oh..the comedy of a tired Momma! Now she is sleeping like an angel. Looking back I realize that 2 years of getting up a few extra times a night to nurse, co-sleeping, the whole lot of was TOTALLY worth it. So I lost some sleep..I got to spend more time physically and emotionally connecting with my daughter because that is her unique design and her needs at the time. It does however make having subsequent children seem MUCH more possible now in comparison to a season where it seemed near impossible!

In reflecting on her true BIRTH day, I realized I am truly healing (not past tense yet) from the emotional scars of my C-section. It is a huge relief. This year, like last, I replayed the moments in my mind leading up to my surprise induction, my 30 hour labor, and then my emergency C-section. After that mental account, no tears fell from these eyes and I could only smile and thank God for my precious gift! What a blessing she is to us.

#3 here we come…

Mirabelle Ani just minutes old!

Mirabelle Ani just minutes old!

Mirabelle's 1st birthday picture.

Mirabelle's 1st birthday picture.

Mirabelle's 2nd Birthday photo shoot!

Mirabelle's 2nd Birthday photo shoot!

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Filed under celebration, co-sleeping, life as a parent, photography, picture post

Under Construction

I am working on revamping my page..all that to say, my plan is to be back to regular (daily) posting come Monday.  I will be able to start getting around commenting as well by then. I’ve missed reading my regular pages.

In the meantime I will be celebrating my 29th birthday on Sunday!  Should be a great weekend.


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Filed under blogs, celebration